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About Votebeat

Nonpartisan local reporting about elections and voting

Votebeat is a nonprofit news organization committed to reporting the nuanced truth about elections and voting at a time of crisis in America.

Our mission is to help people understand our system of democracy so they can participate in strengthening it. Our approach is to cover and explain the mechanics of voting — no political polls, candidate platforms, or Election Day results; instead we will focus on how elections are run, from early and mail-in voting to voter registration and election security. Because we believe that elections are fundamentally a local issue, our coverage is rooted in local communities. Votebeat’s stories are available at no cost to readers, as well as to all local and national news outlets.

As a nonprofit, Votebeat’s support comes from a diverse mix of sources, including sponsors who pay for opportunities to share messages with our readers and donors who believe in our mission. As most local news sources shrink, creating more so-called “news deserts,” Votebeat is building a sustainable model that is local, substantive, and independent. View our current supporters and learn more about becoming a sponsor.

Votebeat is a Civic News Company newsroom. Learn more about Civic News Company here.

Votebeat is an innovative new model for local journalism. Votebeat currently operates in five states, with reporters on the ground producing coverage of election administration. We want your help picking our next community! To nominate your community, email us at