Election Officials & Workers
Navajo Nation officials had called for accountability after equipment failures left voters waiting in long lines.
From Arizona to Pennsylvania, judges, lawmakers, and election officials will be busy shaping new policies that govern how we vote.
State law calls for a game of chance, which leaves a lot of imperfect options. What’s next, rock-paper-scissors?
The commission’s first ever investigation will seek to understand how such lapses can be prevented.
They say this problem won’t happen again. But the clerk’s office is still trying to understand how exactly the errors occurred.
A voter will continue to trial after allegedly casting two ballots in Michigan’s August primary.
Meagan Wolfe has faced death threats, lawsuits, and efforts to oust her — and became one of the nation’s most respected election officials.
Under Sen. Paul Bettencourt’s bill, some individuals could submit requests for explanations of ‘election irregularities’ and potentially bring them to the Texas Secretary of State.
While the Republican recorder and supervisors made a national name for themselves protecting elections, a few of the newcomers will push for changes.
The email, which included the address to the recorder’s office, was one of many sent to election offices across the country that were deemed not credible.
Meagan Wolfe’s term expired in 2023. Republicans have sought to oust her for years, while Democrats are fighting to keep her in place.
In a year of heightened anxiety and pressure, election officials again succeeded at what they do best: ensuring fair and secure voting.
GOP seizes on a mistake at central counting site for absentee ballots. In Madison, voting proceeds despite bomb threats.
Clerk in Warren made steady progress in absentee counting — despite a late start — to avoid delays in Macomb County results.
Photos from across the country show how voters and officials are experiencing the 2024 election.
Jay Schneider knew Election Day would be a hard job. Despite the stress and a few setbacks, he pulled off a smooth experience for voters in Chester County.
When Chester County needed Jay Schneider to step up, he did, and learned about elections along the way.